
Sometimes, its a cruel world out there. You don’t get everything that you want.

My fear is not having you with me.

How do I live when you are the one that meant everything?


You can see how his face lit up whenever he mentioned her name.

We love. We love the same girl.
And we love. We love each other as brothers.

But how could she love us equally?

I am selfish. All I want is her for me.

On Julia Quinn

There are days, she will wear black head to toe not cause she is some gothic girl. A smile will still be plastered on her makeupless face and you could ignore the drab black she wore.

But what amused me, this girl who is always mistaken as a tomboy despite her ponytail hair (and God forbid she like girls as how others had gossiped) loves Julia Quinn.

She could read the books quietly till the very last page. At times you will see her smiling, frowning, biting her lips all cause of a book.

JQ wrote happy endings but I want to be the person who gave her happy endings. Not just mere fiction temporary happiness.

Total Happiness

There is something about her. Behind those loud laughters, what is it? What is she hiding to herself? No one lives in this world with pure happiness.

If total happiness really exist, that would be when she is next to me. We will have our disagreements but we would always be the reason of each other happiness.

We would be each other December’s.

That kind of girl

She is the kind of girl with a bagful of stuffs, always rummaging through it, digging out surprises. The kind of girl that had various coupons, discounted cut outs from fast-food place that she loves, monthly promotions for the supermarket she frequents or just some junk flyers which she could not just throw away as there is no nearby bin. The kind of girl that goes by the rules but have a lot of reasons to rebel. 

That kind of girl that you know, wherever she is, she will survive, come what may. A smile that does not fade, a strong spirit that does not waver. Someone who would love you for who you are and not what you are. That will stand by you through thick andthin

She is the kind of girl that you would not mind to spend a lifetime with.

Yes, that kind of girl.